To the editor:
Cazenovia is a wonderful place to live. Confirmed again. On Saturday, Aug. 13, I stopped at one of my favorite farm stands, the Lyonwood Farm on Lyon Road. I chose my produce and sunflowers, paid for my selections and drove home — without my wallet. It was left next to the payment box.
As soon as I realized what I had done, I called the home of Margie and Fay Lyons, but no answer. I was panicked-credit cards, cash, driver’s license, health insurance card, personal photos all left behind. I drove right back to find my wallet was gone. Driving home, I thought to myself, “Where do I start, with the police, credit cards, how do I go about this? and here goes my afternoon.”
Between here and there, a young woman showed up at my front door and knocked and knocked but of course I was in transit. She saw my neighbor and gave her my wallet and left before my neighbor got her name.
Many, many thanks to this Good Samaritan who saved me much anguish and time. You are a wonderful person and I only wish I could personally thank you.
Cindy Clark