BY the Cazenovia Lions Club
On Sept. 13, the Cazenovia Lions Club kicked-off its 2018-19 year with its new slate of officers. Elected were: Tim Crouch, club president; Cathy Savage, first vice president; Scott Dauenhauer, second vice president; Fred Agerter, club secretary; Pam Kent, club treasurer; and Tom Long, membership chair.
The International Lions club is the largest service organization in the world. Our non-political organization is based on the principal that where there’s a need, there’s a Lion. The Cazenovia Lions Club is more than just the fundraising we do for the 4th of July Fireworks.
Challenged by Helen Keller in 1925 The International Lions Club became “knights of the blind in the crusade against the darkness.” In more recent times, the Cazenovia Lions Club was inspired by Lion Helen Muller to raise enough funds to purchase a vision screening camera. Helen loved to go into our local schools and provide free vision screening to all children. Her small stature but big heart put children at ease with what for some was a scary experience.
When Helen passed away, she asked that contributions be made to help see our camera fundraising efforts to the finish line. By teaming up with the Morrisville and Pompey Lions Clubs, we were able to purchase the camera and last year that camera was used to screen about 950 school children in our area. Our efforts don’t just stop at the screening level, if a child is identified as needing further evaluation it’s the Cazenovia Lions Club in partnership with Eyecare of CNY that covers the cost of a full eye exam and glasses if required.
The Lions Club in Cazenovia raises money all year long to cover the costs for eye exams and glasses for children in need. Contributions made to the Lions Club at the Easter Egg Hunt and during the Christmas Walk are used for exams and glasses.
When a Lion asks you at Common Grounds or Buyea’s to “buy a duck” or a TV raffle ticket we are raising money for $2,500 in scholarships for three seniors at Cazenovia High School. When you donate your old glasses at The Cazenovia Public Library or Eyecare of CNY you are helping someone in the world be able to see clearly, maybe for the first time in their life. The efforts of the International Lions Club go beyond just sight, we also help with overall health services to the youth and elderly as well as environment and disaster relief.
Cazenovia Lions Club President Tim Crouch set two goals this year for the club. The first is to raise money to assist the Tree Commission with tree planting in 2019. The second is “Every Member Counts” in our club. We want to ensure every member is welcomed, supported and energized to serve our community.
If you would like to join the Cazenovia Lions Club, please email Tom Long at