By Kate Hill
Staff Writer
On Oct. 9, Cazenovia Middle School Nurse Katy Pushlar received a painting by local artist Robin Kasowitz during a surprise gathering at the high school.
Kasowitz, a studio artist and part-time psychotherapist, created the painting as part of her Art to Heart Project.
Through the project, Kasowitz creates personalized abstract acrylic paintings that are given as gifts of gratitude and respect to front-line/essential workers.
The project raises money by asking people to donate to the “purchase” of the gifts. Kasowitz then matches whatever funds she receives and donates the monies to local artists or art organizations that were hit hard by COVID-19.
Cazenovia High School Teaching Assistant Wendy Millard nominated Pushlar for the Art to Heart Project after reading about Kasowitz’s work online.
Millard said she immediately thought of Pushlar and her contributions to the community.
“[In addition to] everything she does for our middle school students and staff, Katy has been working in a nursing home for the past 20 years,” said Millard, who also organized the presentation of the painting. “She continued all of this work, despite losing her mom last year. She was instrumental in our safe re-opening plans. Then a few weeks ago, she suddenly lost her dad. Her work with our students, staff and families has continued here, and she has continued to work in the nursing home, despite her personal tragedies . . . I used to work in the middle school and spent many days watching Katy take care of students and teachers. She is incredibly positive and has a wonderful laugh. I wanted her to have a visible reminder of how much the work she does matters [and] how much she matters.”
Pushlar received her gift in the high school nurse’s office during a ceremony that included her family and friends, along with Kasowitz and Superintendent Matthew Reilly.
“I’m just blown away,” Pushlar said. “I didn’t think I did anything special, but you guys make me my best.”
Kasowitz has also presented her paintings to a variety of other local workers, including nurses, nursing aides and physicians who worked directly with COVID-19 patients; essential workers in Crouse Hospital Environmental Services; medical and administrative staff at nursing homes; pharmacists and pharmacy staff; bus drivers; postal workers; and police officers.
“My paintings are abstract representations of the beauty, honor, dedication and resilience of our essential/frontline workers,” Kasowitz said. “They gave and still give us comfort and compassion while putting themselves and their families in harm’s way. I’m honored to be able to do this for Katy and other frontline/essential workers.”
As of Oct. 9, the Art to Heart Project had raised $5,000 and provided funding to Ellen Blalock, a narrative artist interested in telling the stories of underrepresented people, and Maranie Rae, a photojournalist working to document human rights and social justice issues. ArtRage Gallery and the Everson Museum also received support.
“I am currently trying to receive money for a local, but nationally acclaimed painter who is living in Syracuse and has lost his studio and his ability to continue painting,” Kasowitz said.
To learn more about the Art to Heart Project, contact Kasowitz at