By Ashley M. Casey
Associate Editor
Superintendent Matt McDonald might be leaving the Baldwinsville Central School District.
In a statement on the district’s website released Sept. 29, BCSD Board of Education President Christina Pavetto Bond and McDonald announced that McDonald is “exploring other career opportunities.”

“Superintendent Matthew McDonald has informed the Baldwinsville Board of Education that he is exploring other career opportunities. There is no definite timeline. During this period, the Board and administration will work together to maintain the high educational standards our community expects from the Baldwinsville Central School District,” read the statement.
The announcement came just eight days after the BOE voted to extend McDonald’s contract through June 30, 2023. McDonald’s salary for the 2019-2020 academic year was $185,606.
Bond told the Messenger in an email, “The only information we can offer at this time is the statement we have already provided to our faculty, staff and families of the Baldwinsville Central School District.”
McDonald began his career with the Baldwinsville Central School District as an assistant principal at Durgee Junior High School in 2007, became assistant superintendent of human resources in 2009 and was named deputy superintendent in 2014. He served as acting superintendent in 2014 after the retirement of the late Jeanne Dangle and in 2016 after the resignation of David Hamilton. McDonald was named superintendent in January 2017.
McDonald did not respond to the Messenger’s request for comment.