Cicero-North Syracuse High School is pleased to announce their fall play, “You Can’t Take it With You.”
The shows take place on Thursday, Nov. 14, Friday, Nov. 15, and Saturday, Nov. 16, at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium.
The show is sponsored by Drs. Callahan, Flanagan, Smith & Stock Orthodontics.
From the 1936 original play written by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman, the show is best known for being a laugh riot.
It won a Pulitzer Prize for drama and ran on Broadway for two years.
In 1938, it became a movie, starring James Stewart, and won an Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Director (Frank Capra).
The show takes place in Mr. Martin Vanderhof’s home in New York City in the year 1939. Mr. Vanderhof and his family members are an eccentric group who allows each member to pursue his own ambition in the home. The show is packed with humor and great laughs. A real story of “Love Thy Neighbor” in living drama.
The play is directed by Kerry Gilberti and produced by Renee Frontale. Set design is by Richard Cost of Dayton, Ohio, and construction by Dan and Jennifer Chappell, Rich Greninger, Matt Heater, Mike and Karen Mousaw, Larry Roach, and Cassidy and Jeff Rodford. Lauren Graham is the Stage Crew Chief and the Tech Crew Manager is Felisha Morales.
The Cast includes: Brianna Ballard (Olga the Dutchess), Kaden Chappell (Mr. Kirby), Derrick Clark (Donald), Genevieve Costigan (Mac), Lily Dwyer (Essie), Tyler Gibbens (Paul Sycamore), Kayla Guida (Mrs. Kirby), Giovanni Heater (Tony Kirby), Cali Heick (Alice), Hailey Higgins (The Man), Brady Marchak (Ivan Kolenkhov), Josh Merchant (Martin ‘Grandpa’ Vanderhof), Mikey Mousaw (Ed Carmichael), Jaden Orloff (Rheba), Austin Raabe (Mr. DePinna), Kaylie Simmons (Gay Wellington), Bianca Stevenson (Penny Sycamore), Logan Sutton (Wilbur Henderson).
Other Stage and Tech Crew members include: Alexis Bombard, Megan Chase, Autumn Corkle, Richard Curran, Carson Duffy, Charles French, Savannah Hefner, Renee McGlone, and Emily Soulier.
Tickets for are available by calling 315-218-4002 during school hours and at the door. Adult tickets are $12 and student/senior tickets are $10. For more information, visit nscsd.org.

Graham; (back row, L to R): Megan Chase, Autumn Corkle, Richard Curran, Savannah Hefner, Charles
French. Missing from the photo is Carson Duffy.