To the editor:
Do you really think the Lysander Town Board wanted this annexation [of Lysander Park into the village of Baldwinsville] for the good of the village and their residents? If they thought it was such a good idea, why have they never asked for this annexation years ago? The park has probably been there for about 50 years or so now.
And only three people on the village board questioned this and had reservations about moving this forward. At this particular time, I want to commend Mayor Clarke, Mr. Dryden and Mr. Shepard for not voting for this before knowing all of the facts about how things would work with such an agreement. I am glad you three at least listened to the village residents who I believe had many reservations about voting this agreement in, and rightfully so.
So, the other four board members I believe did this very hastily and did not weigh the pros and cons to see how this could affect their village, as of right now, maybe later it might be a good idea. But, I believe the Town of Lysander Board and especially the supervisor, Mr. Saraceni, pushed very hard and fast to get this agreement put through as there was a deadline, and he needed it to be approved by a certain date.
And we all know why the big rush for pass this agreement for the annexation is for one reason only, to build the spray park. That is his personal agenda, to get this thing built no matter what the costs or what the town of Lysander residents want. It was voted down and he and that board will just not accept that.
And you four village board members played right into his hands thinking he really cares about the village. He only cares that he gets what he wants, to try and build that spray park. That is what it is all about, period, bottom line. So I hope you do not regret your hasty decision to annex the park with such a long agreement.
And if and when they get enough money to even start to build the park you will all be watching very carefully. Give them an inch and they will want a foot if they can put one over on all of you and push through what they want.
In closing, I think this was passed through too quickly without a thorough investigation of what it means to the village and its residents; it will affect them. Good luck — maybe you made the right decision. Only time will tell.
Nancy Thomas