From the town of Van Buren: What does a town engineer do?

By Jason Hoy

Town of Van Buren Engineer

The town of Van Buren, town of Lysander and village of Baldwinsville all have on-staff municipal engineers. The engineer must be professionally licensed through the NYS Office of the Professions to provide engineering services to the municipality. But what is the role the professional engineer plays in the operation of the municipality?

The engineer for each municipality is responsible for coordinating, supervising, and planning engineering services for their municipality. These services include many roles and responsibilities which primarily revolve around the municipality’s infrastructure and facilities.  In the town of Van Buren these responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Stormwater coordinator: The town of Van Buren meets the population requirements to be regulated through NYSDEC as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). As an MS4 the town is required to implement and monitor minimum control measures to protect the stormwater quality entering waterbodies. These control measures include public outreach/education, public involvement, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site runoff control, post construction runoff control and pollution prevention/good housekeeping.
  • Evaluation, planning and design for town capital improvement projects; including roads, drainage, site-work, and sanitary sewer facilities. Preparation of construction drawings and bid documents for these capital projects. As the town’s utility infrastructure ages, rehabilitation or replacement projects are required to extend the life of those utilities for the residents.
  • Monitoring of groundwater quality at the town-owned landfill on Kingdom Road. Also, sampling and review of well water at three, downstream residential properties adjacent to the landfill. The landfill was closed in 1996 as directed by NYSDEC and monitoring of the water quality and landfill gases is required under the closure agreement.
  • Planning/Zoning Board assistance: review site plans, construction drawings and stormwater plans for proposed residential, commercial and industrial projects within the town.
  • Construction inspection of roads, sanitary sewers and drainage facilities that are installed in the development projects and will be dedicated to the town for ownership. A proposed development goes through the town’s planning process and a construction drawing review. Once approved, the site developer builds the projects infrastructure to the towns requirements and upon completion applies to the Town to turn over ownership.
  • Coordinating with Onondaga County Water and Environment Protection (OCWEP) on sanitary sewer maintenance, cleaning, televising, and repair. The town contracts with OCWEP for these services.
  • Interacting with town residents on issues/concerns with drainage, roads and other infrastructure concerns.
  • Development of Maps, Plans and Reports (MPR) for the creation of special districts (i.e. drainage lighting, sewer and water districts). Special districts are formed to fund and provide services to localized areas that solely benefit the residents within that area. The MPR provides the planning and financing basis for the legal formation of the special districts.
  • Applying for funding through grants and programs to finance projects within the town. Van Buren has been very successful through the last decade in securing funding for large drainage projects, highway reconstruction projects, sidewalks, salt shed, pavilions, and playground equipment. Grant administration, including filings and reimbursement paperwork, once funding is awarded.
  • Assist the town’s highway department with projects through planning, design, and inspection.
  • Assistance as requested and required with the town’s codes, parks and building/grounds departments.
  • Coordinate projects as necessary with neighboring municipalities, Onondaga County and New York state.

The Van Buren engineer is available 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday or by appointment to answer questions or otherwise meet the needs of the town residents.

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