To the editor:
Open letter to the voters in the town of Lysander:
I send this letter to support a person who I believe has done a very good job as a councilor in your town, Robert Geraci.
Bob Geraci was my commissioner of Onondaga County Parks and did an outstanding job as the steward of our most precious natural resources, our green spaces that we all enjoy.
He has taken his concern for the environment and his knowledge of maintaining a fiscally sound budget to his work as your town councilor.
Quality of life issues, whether it be for the children and their families who enjoy living in Lysander or the seniors he supports by serving on the Canton Woods Senior Center Board are Bob’s top priorities.
Always the professional in doing his job as a councilor and responding to his constituents, I ask your support for a person that I respect as a true public servant.
Nicholas J. Pirro
Former Onondaga County Executive