The Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council (SMTC) is seeking public comment on the Draft Final Reports (DFR) for the following projects:
Carrier Park Mobility Plan
The Town of DeWitt requested that the SMTC study options for improving bicycle and pedestrian access in the Carrier Circle area of Northern DeWitt. The Carrier Park Mobility Plan includes recommendations for sidewalks, walking trails, bike lanes and intersection improvements in this industrial and commercial area. Access between the new Carrier Park Field of Dreams and the area’s large concentration of hotel rooms is one of the focal points of this study.
Erie Boulevard East Pedestrian Study
The City of Syracuse and New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) requested that the SMTC conduct a study to analyze and prioritize pedestrian needs along the Erie Boulevard East corridor, specifically concerned with pedestrian crossings from Beech Street to East Genesee Street.
Study recommendations fall into six categories: implement pedestrian improvements at signalized intersections, prioritized by need; implement recommendations from the Empire State Trail (focused on the area between Beech and Bridge Streets on Erie Boulevard East); implement future recommendations from the NYSDOT Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (primarily focused on the area between Bridge and East Genesee Streets); implement recommendations from the SMTC’s Central DeWitt Mobility Plan (focused on the small portion of East Genesee Street included in the Erie Boulevard East Pedestrian Study); continue to seek opportunities for access management along Erie Boulevard East; and consider pedestrian needs in the municipal site plan review process.
Connections to Township 5 (T/Camillus): Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment
The Town of Camillus requested that the SMTC assess the existing transportation system, identify bicycle and pedestrian access issues, and identify potential bicycle and pedestrian improvements along various corridors leading to the Township 5 development in the town.
These corridors include Knowell Road, Township 5 Boulevard, Milton Avenue, Hinsdale Avenue, and Warners Road. This study includes recommendations for improved shoulders, sidewalks, sharrows, shared use paths and railroad crossings. Access in and around the Township 5 development was a focal point of this study.
The SMTC is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for all of Onondaga County and a small portion of Oswego and Madison Counties. The public review/comment period commences on Jan. 16, 2018. Comments received on or before Jan. 31 will be considered for the final reports for these projects, to be presented to the SMTC Policy Committee for completion in mid-February 2018.
Copies of the DFR documents are available on the SMTC website at, or can be reviewed in the SMTC office. Comments on these documents may be submitted via e-mail to or faxed to (315) 422-7753. Written comments may be submitted to:
ATTN: James D’Agostino, Director
Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council
126 North Salina Street, Suite 100
Syracuse, New York 13202
The public comment period is open through January 31.