The speed limit on Nelson Road from Cody’s Corner to Perryville Road in the town of Fenner will be reduced from 55 mph to 45 mph, the Fenner Town Board announced last week. The effective date of the change has not been announced, said Supervisor David Jones, but the state Department of Transportation verified the change will be made.
The speed reduction on this portion of road is an action the town has been working towards for nearly two years due to the low visibility of the road which, accompanied by the high rate of speed cars travel the route, has caused multiple accidents in recent years.
Also at the board’s Aug. 9 regular monthly meeting, Highway Superintendent Dan Smith said he received a second estimate on the cost to repair the Shephard’s Road bridge, which was damaged during the July 1 storm — and it is estimated to cost $100,000 minimum. Work will begin the week of Aug. 21 and is anticipated to take three to four weeks to complete, Smith said.
Smith also suggested to the board that the town highway department assist the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation with repairing the Gorge Trail that suffered three washouts during the July 1 storm. Smith said part of the trail is in the town of Fenner, and contributing to the repair work would also be a neighborly thing to do. The board approved his suggestion.
Finally, the board heard from representatives of the Smithfield Eaton Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SEVAC) who asked that the town consider creating a new ambulance tax district in the parts of the town not currently covered by ambulance service (through CAVAC). SEVAC officials said they are asking the boards in all towns and villages they cover to create new ambulance districts so the organization can pay for full-time paramedic coverage and stop operating at their current deficit of around $20,000 per year. Jones said the board will discuss the proposition.