Two comedy improv troupes will attempt to coax laughter from winter-weary CNYers this weekend in Syracuse.
Red House Live, featuring Laura Austin, Tim Mahar and Stephen Peters, returns to the Reed House stage at 8 p.m. Friday March 4. Glen Gomez Adams will emcee. Red House is located on the outskirts of Armory Square, at 201 S. West St; $10; 425-0405.
Another improv group called Don’t Feed the Actors performs at 8 p.m. Saturday March 5 at the Fire and Ice Banquet Facility at the Locker Room, 528 Hiawatha Blvd. E., on Syracuse’s North Side. The famished comics include Casey Callaghan, Dustin Czarny, Justin Polly, Doug Rougeux and Gerrit Vander Werff Jr. Dinner is served (to the audience only) at 6:45 p.m. and costs $20; admission to the show only costs $10; 446-1461.