Lysander has accepted a $1.24 million Round 10 Water Quality Improvement Project grant, which will cover 85 percent of construction costs for the proposed Whispering Oaks sewer district project. The grant does not include engineering, legal or administrative costs associated with the project.
During a public hearing held Nov. 18, engineers representing the town said the estimated construction cost for the project was $968,000 and the estimated engineering, legal and administrative costs were $242,000. Residents within the district will be responsible for costs the grant does not cover and officials are seeking to finance the difference through the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund, which offers reduced interest rates. Considering an estimated 2.1 percent reduced rate, estimated costs per unit per year range from $711 (30-year term) to $822 (20-year term).
Preliminary work still needs to be done; officials anticipate bidding the project in the summer of 2011.