Farmers: do you feel a disconnect between the agriculture and the consuming public?
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Madison County and American Dairy Association of Syracuse will present a program on how to effectively use social media to connect with the public from 1 to 3 p.m. Nov. 11 in the Madison County Cooperative Extension Ag Center on Eaton Street, Morrisville.
“As the consuming public becomes further and further from any day- to- day contact with real agriculture, it becomes more important that all of us become ambassadors for agriculture,” event organizers said. “Most of us have some of the tools, we just need more resources, examples and ideas to help more effectively communicate why agriculture matters. It’s not just about public relations; it’s about protecting our family businesses.”
The program will look at more than 30 social media terms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Although they may seem foreign to many in the agricultural sector, event organizers hope they will become easy to understand and employ after the program.
Beth Meyer, from the American Dairy Association has worked with farmers and agribusiness people, helping them to hone their skills and become more comfortable when addressing agricultural concerns and communicating with the public. She will be working both with the group and one-on-one.
To register, call 684-3001.
Photo: stawarz