Well-known, Cazenovia watercolor artist Dick English has published a children’s book called “Letters from Max.” The paperback book presents a collection of cartoons and stories he wrote and illustrated for his grandchildren while on vacations during the past decade. The stories tell the adventures of an imaginary bunny named Max who traveled with Grandpa. They were sent from vacation back home to his grandchildren who, though they couldn’t actually accompany Grandpa, were well aware of his adventures through Max. Dick found that drawing cartoons was an excellent way to communicate with young children.
Dick English is a charter member of Cazenovia Artisans, which is sponsoring a book signing from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday June 5 at the 39 Albany St. gallery. “Letters from Max” and “More Letters from Max,” a sequel for slightly older children, will both be available for purchase and signing.
Dick always thought it would be fun to be a cartoonist, but practical reality led him to an engineering career in product research and development. Drawing was not far from his mind when he took up landscape painting with a passion in retirement. His realistic depictions of Cazenovia scenes as well as those of Hilton Head, the Adirondacks, Maine and France hang in many area homes as well as in many public buildings. He is a familiar exhibitor in area art shows and is often honored for his efforts. A Dick English painting is a frequent wedding or Christmas present; in his books he has now produced a series of paintings for young children.