Village Trustee Amy Mann announced the 2010 Lakeside Park boat launch policies at an April 5 Village Board meeting, at which the board approved a new, $10 one-time access permit for out-of-town visitors.
Daily permits will be offered as a pilot program this summer, and will be made available during less popular launch times: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after 10:30 a.m. Availability will be dependent upon open space, and if no spaces are available, a permit cannot be purchased.
Mayor Thomas Dougherty and Trustee Richard Huftalen voted against the new policy, expressing concerns that a one-time use pass might decrease the number of season pass holders and cost the village revenue.
Mann said that the decreased hours available to one-time pass holders would be an adequate balance to the lower access fee.
Daily permits entitle the purchaser to one day of lake use only, and the user must remove his or her craft by the end of the day. Any user who fails to do so will be billed for the balance of a seasonal permit.
“Providing a limited daily permit plan has the potential to add another revenue stream to help cover the costs of the inspections,” Mann said. “Also, the DEC has indicated that a daily permit plan would be very favorably regarded in terms of making us eligible for potential consideration for assistance in our efforts in the form of funding, studies, stocking or other support A healthy relationship with the DEC will be key to our lake health efforts well beyond the Renovate treatment.”
Full season permits for out-of-town residents will cost $75, and late season permits (after Aug. 1) will cost $40.
Launch hours
The launch will open Saturday May 1 and close for the season on Columbus Day, Monday Oct. 11.
The launch will be open daily from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 1 through Labor Day, Sept. 6; it will open at 1 p.m. on Sunday Aug. 15 for the annual Cazenovia Triathlon.
After Labor Day, the launch will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fridays and weekends. Adding Fridays will both provide additional access, and help relieve the burden that was experienced in 2009 on the Village office and DPW trying to coordinate boat removals.
Lake stewards will provide 100-percent inspection and a checklist completed for each launch. The inspection checklist is currently being reviewed by the Cazenovia Lake Association for possible enhancements.
Any samples removed from any craft will be bagged, labeled and submitted to Preston Gilbert to be taken to the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry for identification and data collection.
Staffing will be primarily done by local residents, with Morris Protective Service handling Saturdays and holidays.