“Ok, Mr. Mayor. Ready to go?”
Tim Barstow, of Marcellus, set a cooler on the table at the Camillus Municipal Building Wednesday afternoon and waited for his passenger, Village of Marcellus Mayor Michael Plochocki.
Wednesday afternoon, Plochocki, along with Camillus Supervisor Mary Ann Coogan and Geddes Deputy Supervisor Manny Falcone, participated in the Mayors for Meals program. The local officials helped regular volunteers deliver meals throughout the ECHO routes, visiting with recipients of Meals on Wheels along the way.
Plochocki told Barstow he was grateful for the opportunity to ride along and get to know some of the area’s more rural shut-ins.
The Marcellus route was relatively short Wednesday, Barstow said, with only six hot meal deliveries and two bag lunches, a sign that the weather was improving and people were not as isolated as they were all winter.
Barstow, former superintendent of Marcellus schools, said he has been volunteering with ECHO for a couple of years.
“I think this is one of those things where you get back more than you give,” Barstow said. “It’s really a gift to me to get to know the seniors in the community.”
Sue Fernandez, president of the ECHO board, said ECHO Meals on Wheels program will turn 40 in April.