Lisa Sacco
222 Patterson Ave. Syracuse
Background Chair, Camillus Democratic Committee July 2008-July 2009, 3rd Ward Councilor candidate in 2007
Occupation Regional HR Analyst, Time Warner Cable
Endorsed by Democrats
Given the current economy and budget crises at the state and county levels, which areas of the budget do you feel the town could cut back to alleviate the pressure on taxpayers?
I would like to see the Highway Department budget reviewed more carefully and have more efficiencies put in place.
In what ways do you think the town could consolidate services with villages, neighboring towns or the county to increase efficiency and keep costs down?
I’m not sure consolidating services is the best answer. It would certainly be something I would weigh the pros and cons on, but I also think it’s important to get new members on the board so that a fresh perspective can take a look at increasing efficiency and keeping costs down.
What recent projects do you feel you would have approached differently than the incumbent and why?
Although they look nice, I’m not sure the new sidewalks and lampposts in town were the best use of money. Also, during the last few years, I’ve heard many people give me feedback on how the town could use a training facility for our Public Safety organizations.
In what area is the town most in need of improvement and how would you work to fix that?
The residents of Camillus are owed a more open government. Communication with residents could certainly improve and I intend to do so if elected.