Town meetings going online
Like other entities, municipal boards have been working to address some of the challenges posed by the coronavirus.
With concerns over social distancing, many boards, including the Skaneateles Town Board are using technology to help ensure community business is being addressed at this time.
“At all times, but most especially during times of national crisis, trust and credibility are the government’s most precious assets,” Town Supervisor Janet Aaron said in a press release. “As people are asked to make increasing sacrifices in their daily lives for the greater good of public health, the legitimacy of government decision-making requires a renewed commitment to transparency.”
Aaron said that is why the town board as well as the planning and zoning boards will be holding meetings virtually through Zoom Meeting.
Zoom is a videoconference application with free accounts available to participate through any internet connection, more information at
“Before the next meeting of our town board on Monday, April 6 and all future town board, planning board and zoning board meetings, we will have information on connecting to these meetings with guidelines on our website at,” Aaron said. “All of us at the town are doing everything we can to support our constituents and to keep the operation of the town moving forward. Please continue the guidelines for staying at home and social distancing. We are Skaneateles and we will get through this by doing all we can to take care of each other.”