The Cazenovia Rotary Club wants to thank the community for their support for our Winterfest events. The Horse and Wagon rides featuring Lamplit Farm, Woody Woodworth and his Belguin/Percheron horses, was very well attended. Many individuals and families took the ride more than once. The weather cooperated and it was a snowy winter day, but not too cold.
The Scrabble and other games took place at the Library in the Community room. Pizza was served, coffee, soda and Alphabet crackers, of course. This year we encouraged other games besides Scrabble for all ages. Prizes were awarded.
Between the two events, we raised almost $100. To be donated to “Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library”. That program sends a book a month to each child registered from age birth to 5 years. Dolly matches each dollar 4:1. Literature and reading at an early age is so important. Thank you. Cazenovia Rotary will continue to raise money for both local and International projects.
Cazenovia Rotary Club