The recent hike in village water rates will affect five districts in Lysander.
The town contracts with the village to supply the following districts with water: Clinton Heights, River Mist, Emerick Road, West Genesee Street and Seneca Estates. The town rates for Clinton Heights and River Mist will remain unchanged because both districts are operating with high fund balances. West Genesee Street and Emerick Road districts will see a 39 percent increase (from increased usage fees). Seneca Estates, which is operating in the red from a lack of a fund balance, will see a 100 percent increase (with $16 per unit, per quarter being used to build a fund balance for infrastructure maintenance). Residents’ average bill was $22 per quarter and is being raised to $44 per quarter in Seneca Estates.
Officials compared the new village rates with Onondaga County Water Authority’s (OCWA) rates to see if there were any savings to residents. However, due to infrastructure and existing contracts, not to mention higher usage fees, it was determined village water was the cheaper alternative for water.