Village of Camillus business owner and resident Mike Montero was the first candidate to formally announce his run for village trustee. Since then, four others have joined the race. Montero weighs in on why he thinks he’s still the best candidate for the job, and what he will tackle first if elected.
Hear the candidates debate the issues and each other at Village of Camillus Hall at 7 p.m. Thursday March 12 in a public debate sponsored by The Advocate and Eagle Newspapers.
Mike Montero
507 Timberridge Drive
Occupation: Owner of The String Corner violin shop and Cafe Montero in the village of Camillus
How long have you lived in the village of Camillus?
About a year and a half.
Are you involved with any clubs or organizations?
I am currently involved in the Onondaga Community Civic Orchestra, a community orchestra of various musicians all over Onondaga County. I am an Eagle Scout of the Boy Scouts of America.
Why are you running for trustee?
To help bring some transparency to the government. To help answer questions without any type of spin to the public when they ask, because when you are asked a question from the taxpayers who elected you they deserve an honest, clear answer not a beat-around-the-bush answer.
What do you think you would bring to the table as trustee?
That’s what I think I’d be able to bring to the table [see above]. As well as help get projects to help the village look like a village rather than town of Camillus people driving through and not even noticing that this is a village.
When you think about your village, what do you consider to be the biggest “missed opportunity” of village board?
I think one of the biggest missed opportunities of the village board in the past, from what I can see, is a lack of that direction to do something, to get community involvement, to invite the community to have question and answers above and beyond board meetings to get their opinion on what they would really like to see.
What is an accomplishment of the board that you applaud or admire?
I applaud Kurt Brunger for his service, filling in for Mr. Grant as he’s stepped aside. He’s done a great job getting things together. From what I understand the Feb Fest is going to have a lot more this year than it did last year. And his ability to conduct a meeting and lead is very, very good.
If elected, what is the first goal or project you would like to tackle or address?
One of the first goals I would like to do if I get elected is to address the comprehensive plan that has been put together by the current board, which talks about the revitalization of the village and how to go at this as what the stimulus package refers to as “shovel ready” project to see what we can do immediately to make a difference so that people not only want to vote but come down here and give their faith in other residents of the community to see things like this happen.
How many meetings attended in last year (an estimate)?
I’ve attended almost every single board meeting since I became interested in this past year, which was around March of last year.