Can you think of a downtown business with a sign hanging out front and additional signs on the plate glass windows? If yes, then the business
you’re thinking of may be out of code.
The village of Cazenovia zoning committee is working on a draft
revision to the sign provision of zoning laws.
Village Trustee Kurt Wheeler and other village officials took a recent
“field trip” around the village comparing existing signage to current
“There are numerous things that are not in compliance with our
existing ordinance,” Wheeler said.
The committee hopes to strike a balance, creating an ordinance with
which most businesses will already be in compliance — “between what’s
here and existing and technically unlawful, although everyone’s used
to it,” Wheeler said.
Wheeler said he expects a lot of public input on the new draft
legislation. The first draft should be made publicly available on the
village website before the first public hearing, scheduled for 6:45
p.m. June 7.
In other news
The board set a deadline for developers Ed Green and Scott Shannon to
present plans for funding and progress on their Riverside Drive
building project.
Shannon explained that the expansion of the project to include
surrounding properties and Albany Street access has made acquiring
funding for the project a challenge, and the developers have been
trying for to figure out how to structure the acquisitions of some of
the surrounding properties for several months.
Shannon said the project is not financially viable on its own, but the
developers are looking for funding opportunities in the forms of
grants and revenue neutral loan agreements with the village.
The board expects Shannon and Green to present a rough plan for
financing the project at a June 7 village board meeting, with a
complete plan ready in July.