By Jason Klaiber
Staff Writer
After no winner arose from the entries sent in this past spring, the town of Cicero has decided to relaunch its logo contest.
The logo contest’s planning committee asks local artists and “inspired” community members to create and submit ideas for a new town seal.
Town Councilor Judy Boyke, a member of the planning committee alongside tax receiver Nicole Walsh and Jody Rogers from the town’s parks and recreation department, said the designs rounded up in April did not appropriately represent the “full picture” of Cicero.

She said the final selections for the town’s visual identity contained imagery deemed “too modern” by members of the town board and the town’s historical society.
The relaunched contest, announced on Oct. 1, will be open to submissions until the end of the day on Nov. 18.
Designs must be emailed with the subject line “Town Logo Contest” to David Kirk, the town’s information systems coordinator, at [email protected].
Individuals can submit up to two entries.
The pictures must be submitted in a .jpeg, jpg, .png or .tiff format and in high resolution with 300 dots per inch (dpi) or higher.
The dimensions of the image must be no more than approximately 33% wider than tall and no more than 20% taller than wide.
The entries also must include the submitter’s name and mailing address as well as the email address and daytime phone number at which they can best be reached.
As per the contest instructions, “creativity and innovation are encouraged,” and the logo should reflect the town’s heritage, past, present and future.
The logo must include the words “Town of Cicero” and the date of establishment of 1807 shown legibly.
Any colors can be used for the logo, but the design must also work in black and white.
The logo submissions must be created and edited by the contestant while containing no copyrighted or previously published materials.
According to the contest webpage at, the town of Cicero reserves the right to not select a winner if, in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received.
The Town of Cicero Logo Committee, made up of seven community members, will select three submitted logos and present them to the town board to be narrowed down.
If the board decides on a winning entry, the contestant responsible will be announced on Dec. 11 through the town’s website, its social media pages and a personal email to the provided account.
The winner will receive “bragging rights” and a basket of items from local merchants.
The victorious logo would potentially appear on the town’s website, social media platforms, stationery, pamphlets, apparel and municipal vehicles.
Contestants will be assigning ownership rights, including property rights to the logo, to the town of Cicero, which may publish logos and contestant names for use in advertising campaigns or marketing materials.
The town of Cicero will also be able to alter the logo as it sees necessary to achieve the goals of the town.
To volunteer to be a judge for the contest, apply no later than Oct. 31 by visiting the webpage
The current Cicero seal depicts a trolley and King’s Hotel.