Bill Cody has lived in the village of Camillus with his wife, Mary Anne, for 13 years. Their children, Will, 11, and Ned, 9, go to school in the West Genesee District. A Respiratory Therapist with Apria Health Care and member of the Camillus Fire Department, Cody has worked as an Industrial Sales Rep, a Federal Park Ranger, and a commissioned officer in the Army Reserves. He was sworn in as village trustee Thursday Oct. 14.
Eagle Observer: What led you to apply for the trustee position?
Bill Cody: I was recruited. I already know several of the trustees and Mike.
EO: Why did you decide to become a trustee?
BC: I was quite honored to be asked, and I think the village can be a better place.
EO: Is this your first job in local government?
BC: Yes it is.
EO: What do you bring to the table?
BC: Common sense. I’m a member of the fire department and I’ve lived, worked and traveled all over the U.S. and the World. I’ve been around.
EO: What are your goals coming in?
BC: To help rebuild the village. It’s been kind of run down, but it’s getting better.
EO: What is the board of trustees currently doing well?
BC: Getting work done on Main Street.
EO: What could be done better?
BC: Cleaning up rental properties. Many look like they’re being bled dry by their owners. Camillus need not look like the city.
EO: Are there aspects of the village that, as a trustee, you hope to improve?
BC: I’d like to see Main Street brought back to its Victorian grandeur and Creek trails.
EO: Do you foresee any challenges arising with the job?
BC: Opposition by people, who don’t wish to maintain their property, and I’m sure there are plenty of financial issues. We can’t print money like the Feds.
EO: And finally, what part of being a village trustee do you look forward to the most?
BC: To say to my children, that I helped make the village a better place.