Richard R. Griffo
123 Prior Drive, Camillus
Background I was a late-in-life married guy with six kids. I was on the road as a business man for the years. While the kids were growing up I was gone, so when I was home I didn’t have time for anything else but being with the kids. As far as being active in politics, to be honest no, I haven’t been. This is my first run for a public office.
Occupation Semi-retired
Endorsed by Democrats, Republicans
What recent projects do you feel you would have approached differently than the incumbent and why?
My opponent is taking credit for resolving a territorial dispute between our two local fire departments. This has been an issue for a long time, which was completely ignored by Mr. Cook and fellow councilors. It took a long time, local residents’ houses to burn to the ground, then the board addressed the problem. Obviously, I would address immediately any and every issue that’s involved residents safety.
In what area is the town most in need of improvement and how would you work to fix that?
The most necessary need is board’s lack of transparency and accountability with, amongst other things, is spending. There are ways to get spending under control, consolidate some services, no new taxes, highway dept. budget is out of control, with less services to the public. All issues my opponent and his colleagues choose to ignore.