The volunteers have been trained and the recording room readied in anticipation of the Remembering Camillus oral history project at Maxwell Memorial Library.
Now all that’s needed are the storytellers, whose memories would be recorded and compiled into an archive of anecdotes and memoirs of another time.
Based on National Public Radio’s Story Corps program, the goal of the Remembering Camillus project is to document residents’ memories of life in and around the village of Camillus. Maxwell Director Katy Benson said so far, a handful of stories have been recorded, but the library still hopes to hold a “recording blitz” before the end of the year to jumpstart the program.
There is no question the village of Camillus, and village life, has changed over the years. And with the Camillus Mills project on the horizon, it won’t be long before the village landscape undergoes another transformation. Do you remember what Main Street looked like 10 years ago? Twenty years ago? While the village continues to change, recording and archiving memories of times past can be a valuable tool for researchers, students, village residents of all ages and even local officials when considering development projects.
Are you interested in having your memories documented for future generations of village residents to enjoy?
Decide what you would like to talk about – an event, a business you remember, an individual, etc. – and contact the library at
Stories work best if they can be told in 20 minutes or less and stay on topic. Keeping stories short and sweet will not only make them more enjoyable for listeners, but will help the library staff to accurately archive the recordings.
If you can’t tell your story in under 20 minutes, consider whether you’re telling more than one tale. Write notes to keep yourself on track while recording and practice telling your story aloud before your recording appointment.
If you have a friend or family member you think might be interested in participating in the Remembering Camillus project, contact the library at 672-3661 for more details.
To learn more about Story Corps, which Remembering Camillus is modeled after, visit